Each year, I participate one way or another with my students or personally at the Printmaking Festival organised by Manifestampe association each year at the same date : May 26th. It is a manifestation that I like because it is simple, festive, and helps to make known the print. A bit like the music festival, it grows a little more each year, and spreads gradually in Europe.
À Saint-Ouen nous avons organisé avec l'association Cinémots la fête de l'estampe à la médiathèque Persepolis et à l'espace de vie Emile Cordon avec des ateliers découverte de la gravure et une exposition. Mes élèves ont participé à l'exposition, ainsi que des graveurs audoniens et le collectif de graveurs Arting.
In Saint-Ouen, with the Cinémots association, we organised the Printmaking Festival at the Persepolis media library, and Emile Cordon's living space with workshops on printmaking and engraving's exhibition. My students participated in the exhibition, as well as engravers from Saint-Ouen, and Arting engravers group.
Les enfants sont fascinés par leur impression gravée. Un grand merci aux artistes Ximena DE LEON et à Ming-Chun TU pour leurs ateliers découverte de la gravure.
The children are fascinated by their prints. A big thank you to the artists Ximena DE LEON and Ming-Chun TU for their discovery workshops on printing.